Short Intro (English)

Browsing around the depths of Internet, we see quite a few blogs about travel. The variety is staggering,  all the way from "how the girls and I had fun on the Riviera" to "how the guys and I went fishing/hunting and got all those bears/wolves/cats and didn't get our ass kicked in the process." It is quite clear that yes, people do travel, they go to all sorts of exotic (and not very exotic) places and everyone has a word of advice. Of course, this is great. What is striking, however, is the almost complete lack of blogs about one rather important, in our opinion, subject: traveling with young (and not so young) children. Maybe traveling with children is considered boring and uninteresting? Not much to tell? To fix this unfortunate misunderstanding, we decided to start this little blog to share our personal experience of traveling with children. A couple of words about us: we are a family of four, father, mother, Sasha (8) and Lev (4). We live in a small town called Washington, DC, not far from the Atlantic coast of the US.

Of course, traveling with children is somewhat different from traveling in the company of adults. Traveling with children implies a slightly different style of planning and methods of entertainment. Children have numerous and rather specific needsThey can easily start crying in a tent in the middle of the night, and no more sleep for you and your unfortunate neighbors if such exist. Not all adults behave this way. Children walk slowly, they are pretty bFor all these reasons, traveling with children is a rather challenging thing, but it is interesting in its own way.
Based on our personal experience, we can assure you that with a rational approach, traveling with children can be great fun for both parents and their children. 

Over the past few years, we traveled to several countries: Jamaica, Barbados, Aruba, Curacao, Antigua and Barbuda, Montserrat, Costa Rica, Canada, Puerto Rico, Iceland and Greenland (not to mention several trips to Siberia). We also visited quite a few of US states: from Hawaii and California to North Carolina, from Alaska to Florida and US Virgin Islands. And every place was fun. So, we decided to share our experiences - how to travel with children and not go insane. So - here it is. Enjoy. Yours, Elena Smurova and Family.